Alone in My Head

            I’ve never been all that active in sharing my music. It has existed mostly as a creative reflux, bubbling up on its own and embarrassing me when anyone found out about it. I’ve always had a great interest in listening to my friend’s music, but for the 15 years that I’ve been recording my creations, I’ve only recently entertained the idea that they would interested in listening to mine. It was a simple epiphany: Humans are not dissimilar. If you are interested in someone else’s music, someone else is interested in yours.

            Recently, sitting at my studio computer while listening to a recording that was released by a friend, I realized that I wanted to be closer to it. I wanted to know how they recorded it, how they wrote it, how they mixed it, but as with most independent music, these details were undocumented. Once again, my eye’s focus softened and sat upon my own image reflected in the monitor as I thought, “If you are interested in someone else’s creative process, someone else is interested in yours”.

            After weeks of failed equivocation, here I am writing the first post in my creative blog.

            So as our band stumbles through the process of creating our next album, I intend to update this weekly with overly honest posts showcasing poor miking techniques, overworked mixes, and under-rehearsed performances, finally exposing us as the degenerate frauds we are. Either that or it will nurture a deeper connection between the abyss of ourselves and the bounty of our shared humanity.

Probably a little bit of both.



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